Google Adopts AV1 Codec for Improved Video Quality on Android Devices

As the demand for higher quality video continues to rise, the adoption of the AV1 codec is gaining momentum, particularly with the prevalence of 4K video content. Google is taking a significant step forward by integrating support for the AV1 decoder, known as "libdav1d," into Android devices, starting with Android 12 and beyond, following the March 2024 Google Play System Update.

Arif Dikici from Google's Android Video and Image Codecs team announced the integration of the libdav1d decoder, developed by the VLC team, ensuring native software support for AV1 codec across a wide range of Android devices.

While this update enhances AV1 codec support on Android devices, Google has opted to use the existing AV1 decoder, libgav1, by default. However, YouTube has chosen to utilize the newer dav1d decoder, sparking controversy among users.

The dav1d decoder offers the promise of maintaining video quality during compression and decoding, appealing to users seeking higher-quality AV1 video. Yet, concerns arise, particularly among owners of older and midrange Android devices lacking hardware decoding support for AV1. With YouTube's shift to the libdav1d decoder, users fear potential battery life implications due to reliance on software decoding, especially on devices without hardware-accelerated decoding.

While some users express concerns over the impact of Google's decision on their devices, it's worth noting that similar transitions have occurred in the past. Netflix, for instance, made AV1 its standard codec for Android users in 2020, transitioning away from VP6 codec without generating significant controversy.

As Google moves forward with AV1 codec integration on Android devices, time may alleviate concerns, as users adapt to the new standard and potential optimizations are made to address battery life considerations


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Photo Credit: Phillips


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