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Showing posts with the label flight maneuvers

Can a Commercial Airplane Perform a Barrel Roll?

Pilots have been doing barrel rolls in small planes throughout the history of aviation. But has anyone ever attempted this maneuver in a commercial airliner?  Anyone who has attended an air show knows the thrill of witnessing death-defying acrobatics performed by skilled pilots. One maneuver that stands out is the barrel roll, where an airplane does a complete 360-degree rotation while airborne. But can this feat be accomplished in a commercial airliner? The Barrel Roll in Aviation Barrel rolls are common in small stunt planes and fighter jets, requiring significant skill to execute safely. The maneuver involves pitching the aircraft's nose up, rolling it 360 degrees, and then letting the nose fall while maintaining a cruising speed of about 550 to 600 mph. The goal is to keep the g-forces on the plane close to 1g, mimicking the forces we experience on the ground. Historical Proof: The Tex Johnston Story Alvin Melvin "Tex" Johnston, a test pilot for Boeing, famously perfo...