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Showing posts with the label Finding Nemo

Pixar Eyes Reboots Of Beloved Classics: "Incredibles" And "Finding Nemo"

Disney’s Animation Giant Strives To Recapture Its Magic   Pixar, once synonymous with groundbreaking animation and heartwarming stories, is exploring a return to its roots. According to a recent Bloomberg report, the iconic studio is considering reboots of two of its most cherished franchises: "The Incredibles" and "Finding Nemo." Inside Out 2: A Litmus Test for Pixar's Future The success of "Inside Out 2," slated for release next month, is pivotal for Pixar's future direction. The film’s trailer set a record with 157 million views in its first 24 hours, the highest for any Disney animated film. Pixar President Jim Morris emphasizes the stakes involved, stating: "With a sequel, if you put something out there that doesn’t have the goods, then you will be punished for it. Having had the doldrums we did, it will certainly be a good test with ‘Inside Out 2’ for us to see: Does this stuff still work, or does it not?” Rebooting Classics: A Strategy ...