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What Hitler Had Planned For The U.S.A If He'd Won WWII

Unveiling The Dark Blueprints Of Nazi Ambitions   History is rarely a straightforward journey from one event to the next; it often resembles a complex spiderweb. World War II serves as a prime example, where historians have long debated the extent of American awareness about Nazi Germany's actions. Despite warning signs evident in newspaper headlines from as early as the 1930s, the U.S. remained uninvolved until the attack on Pearl Harbor. However, Hitler's declaration of war on the U.S. shortly after Pearl Harbor raises intriguing questions about his long-term intentions. If the Nazis had triumphed in WWII, what sinister plans did Hitler harbor for the United States? Hitler’s Global Domination Scheme While Hitler's ambition to dominate Europe is well-documented, his plans for the United States are less clear. Historian James P. Duffy, author of "Target America: Hitler's Plan to Attack the United States," suggests that Hitler envisioned ruling the world, inclu...