Paramount Animation is reviving the iconic Mighty Mouse franchise, enlisting star power from Ryan Reynolds and writer Matt Lieberman. Reynolds’ Maximum Effort Productions is teaming up with the studio to produce a feature-length adaptation of the classic cartoon, marking an exciting chapter in Mighty Mouse’s storied history. This collaboration falls under Maximum Effort’s first-look deal with Paramount, which was renewed earlier this year through 2026.
Matt Lieberman, known for his work on the Reynolds-led hit Free Guy (2021), is set to pen the script. His past writing credits include The Christmas Chronicles, Scoob!, and The Addams Family. With his knack for blending humor and heart, Lieberman’s involvement promises a refreshing take on the pint-sized hero. Brad Butler, Paramount Animation’s VP of animated features, is overseeing the project.
A Hero With Staying Power
Mighty Mouse first flew onto screens in 1942 with The Mouse of Tomorrow. Over the decades, the character became synonymous with action-packed adventures and catchy tunes, including the unforgettable theme song, “Here I Come to Save the Day.” A cultural icon of Saturday morning cartoons, the character has been reimagined multiple times, though previous attempts at a big-screen reboot—such as collaborations with the teams behind Red and The Meg—failed to materialize.
This new adaptation, backed by Maximum Effort, breathes fresh life into the concept. Ryan Reynolds, known for his comedic charm and love of nostalgia, is a natural fit for the project. With Lieberman’s storytelling expertise and Paramount Animation’s resources, fans of all ages can expect a reimagined Mighty Mouse that balances classic elements with contemporary flair.
Maximum Effort’s Expanding Slate
Beyond Mighty Mouse, Reynolds’ Maximum Effort is juggling a slate of ambitious projects with Paramount. These include Boy Band, a comedy about a music group’s reunion, and Starter Villain, based on John Scalzi’s bestselling sci-fi novel. There’s also Eloise, a family-friendly adaptation of the beloved book series.
Reynolds’ recent successes, including Deadpool & Wolverine and If for Paramount, position him as a powerhouse in both live-action and animated filmmaking.
As development on Mighty Mouse progresses, the collaboration between Reynolds, Lieberman, and Paramount Animation sets the stage for a superhero comeback that’s as nostalgic as it is exciting.
Source: Variety
Photo Credit: Paramount
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