The world of Westeros is once again under scrutiny as George R.R. Martin, the mastermind behind “Game of Thrones” and “House of the Dragon,” revealed that he has issues with the latter spin-off series. Although Martin has not yet specified what these issues are, he plans to address them in a future blog post, a move that has sparked speculation about the potential impact on all ‘Thrones’ spin-off shows. What’s Next for the ‘Thrones’ Universe? Among the many planned spin-offs, “The Hedge Knight” is set to premiere next year on HBO, while “Aegon’s Conquest” was announced earlier this year and is currently in development. The latter series, set as a direct prequel to “House of the Dragon,” will chronicle Aegon Targaryen’s ruthless unification of Westeros—a pivotal moment in the lore that will add depth to the already complex world that Martin has created. Mattson Tomlin: Shaping ‘Aegon’s Conquest’ with Martin’s Guidance Mattson Tomlin, who is the showrunner for “Aegon’s Conquest” an...
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