Production Begins On Guy Ritchie’s Global Crime Drama Starring Tom Hardy, Pierce Brosnan, And Helen Mirren
Filming is officially underway in London for Guy Ritchie’s upcoming global crime series for Paramount+ With Showtime. Initially known as The Associates, this yet-to-be-titled project boasts an all-star cast, including Tom Hardy (Peaky Blinders), Pierce Brosnan (Remington Steele), and Helen Mirren (1923). The series is set for a U.S. premiere in 2025. A Riveting Tale of Family, Loyalty, and Crime The series centers on two warring families in London with global criminal enterprises and follows Harry Da Souza (Hardy), a "fixer" fiercely loyal to the Harrigan family. Pierce Brosnan steps into the role of Conrad Harrigan, the head of the family, while Helen Mirren portrays Maeve Harrigan, the family’s matriarch. Described as “an electrifying new global crime series,” the drama delves into themes of power, betrayal, and family loyalty. The Harrigans' reach extends to every corner of the world, promising a story filled with international intrigue and high-stakes conflicts. A T...